Science is the most important part of our lives as it carve out the way we live our lives and help us to improve it by innovations. So as we know its a major part of our lives, is it only limited to Physics, Chemistry, Biology and some other branches of science?
The answer would be absolute no, as according to the WikiPedia there are 600+ branches of science and you may have only heard about only few of them. Thus I have decided to bring you some of these weird branches with their meaning and I am sure you will be amazed after knowing them. Without any further due, lets get started.
So what actually is Paleontology, It is the study of those life which existed earlier on the earth. It is done by studying the fossils of remaining plants, animals and other living organisms. The study of paleontology has started from 5 century BCE. But It came in recognisation in 18th century CE as the result of a french zoologist Georges Cuvier's work on Comparative Anatomy.
Career Path in Paleontology: After having a degree in paleontology you can select from several career opportunities. As a palaeontologist you will be finding work in universities and colleges where you will be teaching geology as well as palaeontology. Some paleontologists find opportunities in museums and while they focus and carry on with their own research
Vexillology is derived from a latin word vexillum and greek suffix logia Here vexillum means a square flag (carried by roman horses) and logia means study, so vexillology is the study of flags. A person who studies flags is a vexillologist, one who designs flags is a vexillographer. Vexillology was started by a US scolar Whitney Smith in early 1960s.
Career Path in Vexillology: Eversince 1969, an International Congress of Vexillology(ICV) has been organized every two years under the auspices of FIAV. ICV and local vexillological meetings often cover a wide range of interest in flags. Like most of the other branches of sciences it does not provide a strong career path rather than it is just for those persons who is passionate about the study of flag.
Pedology is also derived from ancient greek words pedon and logia. pedon means recognizable volume of soil. So Pedology is a branch of science which focuses on he study of complexity of soil, the characteristics of soils and soil landscapes, the recognition and understanding of soil genesis. It also constitute a basis for predicting future soil changes. Thus pedology sometimes is referred as soil scieence. People often get confussed about pedology and paedology. Now we know about the pedology, then what is paedology means paedology means the study of children's mental health and their behaviour. French author and soil scientist Olivier de Serres is sometimes known to as the father of French agriculture, was a notable pedologists.
Career Path in Pedology: Although there are limited job options related to pedology in India, but there are more number of opportunities abroad for jobs. Pedologists can get jobs in public and private organisations, environment consultancies, research establishments, commercial and industrial enterprises, higher education institutes and many more. Soil Scientist, Professor and Soil Conservation Technician are some of the roles in these kind of jobs
Zythology is dicipline of science in which we study about beer and beermaking, whereas Oenology is the study of wine and winemaking. Both are derived from ancient greek language words zýtos and oinos which means beer and wine respectively. These are different from viticulture which is concerned with the cultivation and harvest of grapes
Career Path in Zythology and Oenology: There are numerous schools and colleges around the world which offer the bachelor and master's degree in viticulture which can be chosen to become an oenologist or zythologist. Oenologists and Zythologists often work as winemakers and beermaker respectively or find employment with commercial laboratories or with groups such as the Australian Wine Research Institute.
Agnoiology is the theoretical study of the quality and conditions of ignorance. Word Agnoiology is again derrived from greek word agnoéō, which means ignorance. It was firstly used by scottish philosopher James Frederick Ferrier in 1854
Studty of food is known as Bromatology. It is also referred as Food science. Bromatology has many subdisciplines like: Food chemistry, Food engineering, Food microbiology, Foodomics and Quality control of food. Activities of food scientists include the development of new food products, design of processes to produce these foods, choice of packaging materials, shelf-life studies, sensory evaluation of products using survey panels or potential consumers, as well as microbiological and chemical testing.
Career Path in Bromatology: Food industry is a growing industry that contributes to around 14% of manufacturing GDP and 13 % of India’s total food exports. There is a high demand of trained food professional in both Government and Private sector. One can enter these areas after graduation or post-graduation in Food technology. These degree can offer you a job in food research laboratories, food manufacturing companies and food packaging companies.
Professor Randall Rhoades of Ashland, Ohio, coined a word deltiology in 1945 that became the accepted description of the study and collection of picture postcards. So if you collect postcard dang! you are a deltiologists.
Sinology also called Chinese studies is a discipline of science which focuses on the study of China primarily through Chinese philosophy, literature, culture and history. Sinology words was coined from a greek word Sinae wihc was derived from a word Qin from Qin dynasty.
Last on the list but not the last branch of science, word Molinology is coined from latin word molīna meaning mills. And it was initially used by portuguese historian João Miguel dos Santos Simões in 1965. Thus in the disciplines of science we study about mills or any other device using the energy for mechanical purposes like grinds. The International Molinological Society (TIMS) was found in 1973 to increase and maintain the scientific interest in molinology. is the website of TIMS which include all the mill database.
Sources: Wikipedia