As the CBSE 10 exam is over and the students must be wondering what lies ahead for them, science, commerce, arts or they should get admission in polytechnic colleges through CET.
So here I am on the subject of polytechnic and polytechnic admission method. It will also help you to find out whether you should take admission in polytechnic course or you should continue your regular 11th and 12th classes.
Just for the sake of information, let me tell you what is this polytechnic? As the name suggests "polytechnic" here poly means many and technics can be considered as a way of doing something.
So, a polytechnic education gives you experience within a dynamic and progressive learning environment. The polytechnic institutes are dedicated to offer a number of professional courses under one roof. The courses at polytechnic help students to start his or her profession, either through a job at a well-reputed company or by starting his own business.
That was a heck of information
Now if you are trying to decide whether to get admission in polytechnic or not, then you are in the right place because we will go through all the advantages and disadvantages of polytechnic. Here we will start with the advantages of polytechnic or what are the best reasons for which one should take admission in polytechnic.
There are a lot of advantages of taking admission in polytechnic colleges like it causes less time and cost, gives you an upper edge on skill basis as compared to regular 12th pass outs and the list will go on but we will only discuss important ones. So:
These were all the best reasons why you should choose it. Now bragging too much about the polytechnic, let's take a look at the dark side of the polytechnic aka disadvantages of polytechnic.
There are not so many disadvantages of doing polytechnic after 10th or 12th. But I will still list some of them:
In my opinion polytechnic courses are very easy and useful for students who come from middle class or lower class family who cannot afford regular education or are not good at passing JEE or GATE type exams. But students are always advised to go with the taste and purpose of their life.
I think this is all for now, I can assure you that now you can decide what is good for you. If you are still looking for some help then do not hesitate to contact us via the contact form.